Rates are calculated by many factors including age, marital status, occupation, kind of car, credit score, driving record, etc. The basic rates you see are usually more expensive than the rates you could get by sharing more of your information with a qualified agent. Please, consult with your agent or contact your carrier for info. Remember informed consumers never overspend!
Another pitfall is insufficient coverage. Every State has a minimum requirement coverage that should be sufficient but isn’t always the case. Especially if you own substantial assets or property, consult with your accountant to determine what level of coverage will be sufficient for you.
Also, if your auto insurance does not fully cover damages in an accident in which you are at fault, you will be responsible for property damage repairs or medical expenses of injured parties.
The most important thing is to review your policy terms periodically. This will allow you to review your life circumstances as they change throughout the year. Many times you will find that your old policy will no longer be appropriate for your current needs and situation.