Most people don't realize that there are ways out there to save you money on your prescriptions without having to pay a ton for coverage. Here are 5 Ways in which you can save money.
In most cases there is a Generic medication to go with the Name brand. This can save you lots on your prescriptions. Over 80% of drugs have cheaper Generic form. If it is a new drug you may have to wait at least 6 months for a Generic to come out, But do ask after you have been on it for awhile.
2. Look into Splitting Higher-Dose Pills
Pill splitting is based on the fact that many pills cost about the same even if they contain twice as much medication. Make sure to ask your physician if it is safe to split your medication and save.
3. Talk Openly with your Physician
Your Physician doesn't always know the costs and/or your healthcare plan. Make sure that you share the costs (if you know them...) and your healthcare plan with him/her so they can help prescribe which prescription is going to be best for you and your wallet.
4. Shop Around
Pharmacies don't all charge the same for prescriptions. Ask a few pharmacies and talk to your local one about the best price that you have found. Negotiate your price. Pharmacies want your business and want to keep you as a patient.
5. Look into Assistance Programs
Many if not all pharmaceutical companies provide their drugs at discounted prices and sometimes free. Check their websites or contact them directly. We have included one to help! It is Prescriptions United. Use the code on the flier below and receive 10% off your already discounted order!!! (30-60%)
Discount Code: PPU-1048-1000
I know that we all want and need to save money where we can. I hope that this helps us all out.

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