____ Nov 1 Make it an outdoor fall clean-up day. Rake or
sweep any debris from trees, shrubs and garden plants off
of the lawn and/or walkways.
____ Nov 2 Prepare your boots, walking and/or hiking shoes
for winter use. Apply a conditioning polish and then treat
with a water repellant spray.
____ Nov 3 Organize and store your garden tools and
supplies. Be sure to clean tools before winter storage so
they are ready to use in the spring. Also, bring in hoses
from outside.
____ Nov 4 Today turn clocks back one hour to standard
time. Now you have an extra hour in the day to change the
batteries in your smoke alarms. Replace all smoke alarms
every 10 years or sooner if they are not working properly.
____ Nov 5 Today is a good day to take out of storage any
storm doors and windows. Clean them before installing.
____ Nov 6 Today is Election Day. Be sure to vote before
the day is done.
____ Nov 7 Clean your car before hard winter weather
arrives. Take out all trash and remove clutter. Take out
mats and wash, also dust dashboard, clean windows, vacuum
floors and seating. Finally, schedule a winterizing
appointment for your car.
____ Nov 8 If you are preparing Thanksgiving dinner, make a
menu list of all foods you plan to serve. If you are not
preparing the meal this year, call the host today and ask
what you can bring to the meal, whether food or other items
such as extra folding chairs, serving ware, etc.
____ Nov 9 Where do you store your ‘good’ dishes or china?
Now is a good time to take everything out, clean and take
inventory of supplies for upcoming holiday dinners. Check
for chips and cracks. Maybe some dishes need to be
replaced. While dishes are out of storage, thoroughly clean
the cabinet or shelves before replacing the dishes. Replace
only the items you will be using. Put less frequently used
items in the back of the cupboard.
____ Nov 10 Finish storing your summer wardrobe. Be sure to
check clothing before storing for repairs and cleaning. Put
summer items in labeled storage containers.
____ Nov 11 Today is Veteran's Day. Honoring and thanking
anyone who has served in the armed forces is appreciated.
Make a call if you know a veteran. If possible, attend an
activity for this purpose.
____ Nov 12 Check for cobwebs in your home. Look at
ceilings and light fixtures during daylight hours,
especially when the sun shines in a room. A lamb's wool
duster on a long handle works best for the removal of
____ Nov 13 Take all winter blankets, quilts or afghans out
of storage and wash. Get them ready and handy for cold
winter nights.
____ Nov 14 Take a fall day stroll on a park trail. Notice
autumn weather signs and color. Make caramel apples when
you get home.
____ Nov 15 Organize your table clothes, placemats and
napkins. Take everything out of storage and then sort
putting like items together. Then put back only the items
that you use, love or need.
____ Nov 16 How many hot beverage mugs do you need? Go
through your supply looking for chips and cracks. Also, get
rid of mugs that are not used or liked. Before replacing
the mugs you love and use to the cupboard, wipe storage
shelf clean of dust and dirt.
____ Nov 17 When was the last time you backed up your
computer? Unless, you have an external hard drive connected
that does this automatically for you, you will need to be
sure and do this yourself. Picture files can be duplicated
on an external source and then stored in another location
such as a locked firebox or a safe-deposit box at the bank.
____ Nov 18 Sort and clean out your purse and wallet.
First empty all of the contents, and then evaluate every
item and sort. Try to make at least two sorting piles. One
sorting pile will include items you need to put somewhere
else or throw away. Another pile will include items you
will return to your purse or wallet.
____ Nov 19 Dusting is great for keeping furniture and
surfaces looking fresh. Dust areas that are more commonly
not covered with a weekly light brushing, for example: door
frames, blinds, valences and under counter top small
appliances and electronics.
____ Nov 20 Vacuum areas that do not usually get cleaned on
a typical vacuum day such as under sofas, coffee tables,
lamps and end tables.
____ Nov 21 Prepare any foods for Thanksgiving that you can
prepare in advance. These might include salads, desserts or
____ Nov 22 Think of at least 10 things for which you are
grateful. Studies have proven that keeping grateful
thoughts and showing others gratitude makes life happier
and less stressful. Happy Thanksgiving!
____ Nov 23 Today is a day to enjoy and rest, turkey dinner
left overs and family time together. Enlist as much help as
possible with household clean up, and restoring furniture,
____ Nov 24 Make homemade turkey soup today. Here is a
simple recipe:
* 4 cups chicken broth
* 1 carrot, sliced
* 1 stalk of celery, sliced
* 1/8 teaspoon ground pepper
* 1/8 teaspoon ground dry sage
* ½ cup noodles, uncooked
* 1 cup cooked turkey
Heat broth, carrot, celery, and spices to a boil. Add
noodles and chicken. Reduce heat to simmer cook for 10
minutes until noodles are tender done. Serves 4 to 5.
____ Nov 25 Designate a give-away box to put items you no
longer need or want. When the box is full take everything
to Goodwill. Keep the box in the garage or a closet.
____ Nov 26 Take inventory of all your household cleaning
chemicals. Reduce clutter by purging any chemicals that are
old and/or not used. For environmental reasons, be careful
with disposal. Contact your local poison control center for
this information. Consider using less toxic cleaning
products, such as, vinegar, baking soda and rubbing
____ Nov 27 Check for outdated medications in your medicine
cabinet. These can be prescription and other-the-counter
medications. Place in Ziploc bags prescription medications
that are no longer used or outdated. Call your local health
department for proper disposal.
____ Nov 28 Go through your gadget drawer in the kitchen.
Take out everything. Then replace and organize what you
truly use and need. The rest of the items can be donated to
____ Nov 29 Is it time to turn the mattress. To be sure
your mattress has even aging, it is recommended that a
mattress is turned every month. You should also flip it
____ Nov 30 Take out all Christmas lighting for tree and
outside. Check for condition and working ability of all
bulbs and wires.