This has worked out well for us, except when we need to explain the intricacies of our specific tasks to the other partner. Usually something minimal is not communicated and the other gets lost in translation. We thought that something was wrong with us and that most people communicate well with each other, but found that this was not the case. Ed, my hubby, is a financial counselor, and while meeting with other families noticed that most people have the same problem that we did. One or the other spouse takes care of some part or all of the home responsibilities and the other gets left in the dark.
The sad part is that he started coming across family after family with sad stories that could have been avoided if the family would have taken action to get their home responsibilities in order. Here are some of the sad stories he came across:
Marc, Ed, Kelli, and I knew that something needed to change, but did not know where to start. One day, while surfing facebook, we came across the quote, “How do you eat an elephant?.... One bite at a time.” It was like a light bulb went off!
We knew we could help people organize their lives if they did it one step at a time. 52 Weeks to Prosperous Living was born! We took numerous financial organization and life organization programs and we organized and separated everything out over 52 weeks. Then we researched each topic for each week in order to make sure the most up to date/accurate information would be available to our clients. 52 Weeks to Prosperous Living has not only helped my family’s life organization, but is now helping families all across America.