Week 12

Household Inventory: A household inventory is an itemized list of your personal belongings. It provides a method of knowing exactly what personal property you own. An accurate household inventory is a necessity whether you are a homeowner or a renter.
It gives a record of your personal belongings for insurance purposes, an approximation of the value of items owned to determine needed insurance coverage and for use in your personal net worth statement, and it is useful in planning replacements of furnishings and equipment. The inventory can also be used when planning the distribution of your estate. In case of a loss due to burglary, vandalism, or an insured peril, your insurance company requires a listing of all items lost or destroyed. To reconstruct a list of belongings from memory is often difficult because it is easy to overlook items hidden away, as well as those you use on a regular basis.
It gives a record of your personal belongings for insurance purposes, an approximation of the value of items owned to determine needed insurance coverage and for use in your personal net worth statement, and it is useful in planning replacements of furnishings and equipment. The inventory can also be used when planning the distribution of your estate. In case of a loss due to burglary, vandalism, or an insured peril, your insurance company requires a listing of all items lost or destroyed. To reconstruct a list of belongings from memory is often difficult because it is easy to overlook items hidden away, as well as those you use on a regular basis.
To Do List
O - Print “How to create a household inventory” guide and place in your Binder
O - Complete your household inventory for ½ of your house (next week we will get to the other half). O - Place your household inventory in your Organizer. |
Extra Credit
O - Time to de-clutter! De-clutter the most annoying room in your home.
O - As long as you are de-cluttering you home.... It might be a good idea to call a donation organization. (These donations help a ton with TAXES!!!!!) Here are a few organizations that we like. Sometimes these Organizations will send a truck out to you home to pick up large items. -http://www.goodwill.org/ -http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/www_usn_2.nsf -http://www.providentliving.org/content/display/0,11666,8064-1-4425-1,00.html |