Week 20
Upon reviewing our bank account(s), how many of us have found bank drafts
that we could not identify or forgot what they were for?
How many of our spouses know what gets withdrawn
and what time of month that happens.
It will give you great peace of mind to know exactly when payments are being taken from our account as well as exactly what those payments are for.
*You may find ongoing debits for something you ordered a while ago and forgot about.
Many companies will set you up on an ongoing monthly debit WITHOUT notifying you!
(This has happened to us a few times and gyms are famous for it)
that we could not identify or forgot what they were for?
How many of our spouses know what gets withdrawn
and what time of month that happens.
It will give you great peace of mind to know exactly when payments are being taken from our account as well as exactly what those payments are for.
*You may find ongoing debits for something you ordered a while ago and forgot about.
Many companies will set you up on an ongoing monthly debit WITHOUT notifying you!
(This has happened to us a few times and gyms are famous for it)
To Do List
O - Last week you created a Spending Plan. In that spending plan you were given the option of recording the dates and payment options for each expense. If you did not enter the dates and payment options for your expenses, please use the following form as a means to keep track of expenses leaving your accounts. If you did enter dates and payment options for each expense we suggest looking at this Bank Draft Reminder Record and deciding if it is something you would like to use in addition to your Spending Plan.
O - Print out and complete the Bank Draft Reminder Record to keep track of what drafts are being taken out and when they are normally withdrawn during the month. O - Make a copy of it, cut and paste one copy in your checkbook, and place the other copy in your organizer. O - Discuss with your significant other each of these withdrawals. O - Inform your Trustee regarding the placement of these records in your organizer, and how to handle them upon your death. |
Extra Credit
O - If you notice banks drafts for insurance policies, email us at [email protected] to see if we can reduce those premiums.