Week 19

If you arm yourself with only one weapon in your fight for financial control, make it a spending plan. (Or you can call it a "budget." That works, too.)
What's a spending plan? Well, more than anything, it's an active strategy for ensuring that your finances are better tomorrow than they are today.
A spending plan means directing your efforts toward a money goal. You're mapping out just how to get wherever it is you want to go.
You might think...
"I'm tired of worrying about finding money to pay the bills."
"I'd sure like to see this credit-card payment go away."
These money problems, and tons of others, can be overcome simply by:
What's a spending plan? Well, more than anything, it's an active strategy for ensuring that your finances are better tomorrow than they are today.
A spending plan means directing your efforts toward a money goal. You're mapping out just how to get wherever it is you want to go.
You might think...
"I'm tired of worrying about finding money to pay the bills."
"I'd sure like to see this credit-card payment go away."
These money problems, and tons of others, can be overcome simply by:
To Do List
O - Print off the Spending Plan Outline and complete it, allowing for the expenditures you've carefully watched over the last week (yes, even the Coke and Cheetos!).
O - Print off the Cash Reserve Worksheet, complete it, and decide how much cash you want reserved for an emergancy. O - Place both of these in your organizer in the Money Management section. |
Extra Credit
O - Catch up on whichever steps you might be a little behind on.